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Welcome to ÆRAS!

Yours and ours that become our world’s common.

We are a boutique enterprise specializing in research and investment in Swiss and international human capital. With a diverse range of technical skills and a global network of partners, we provide personalized solutions to meet our clients’ unique needs. 

We are here to bring in the most fascinating elements of our past and present and create lasting gifts for the future generations. It is both a reminder and an operational tool  to keep focus on things that are important.  

Sculpture Covered with Plastic

ÆRAS pl of ÆRA/ˈɛɹ.ə/ /ˈɪərə/ 

archaic spelling of ERA:  

{a long and distinct period of history}  

definition by Oxford Languages

Our Story 

ÆRAS DEVELOPMENT GROUP is the epitome of our development philosophy and lifestyle.  

Established in 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland, it accumulates our own knowledge and experience throughout our professional æras and across the continents in three distinct æreas of work we feel passionate and proud about: health, education, and heritage

We are honored to partner with the best experts in their respective areas that bring exclusive technical knowledge combined with vast networks of collaborators around the world. We are multilingual and aware of multi-cultural approaches. 

We are proud to serve people, in particular the ones that most need love and support: children, adolescents, people who found themselves in difficult life circumstances: indigenous communities, immigrants, orphans, people left behind. 

Our goal is to research and preserve the best available evidence to create a legacy capturing the essence of knowledge across time æras and to inspire future progress for a harmonious development of human capital. 

Our Philosophy  

Our philosophy is person-centered and is rooted in the traditions of humanism powered by the life course approach that is seen as a continuum of æras in life for interventions that can shape subsequent periods of human and community development.


Everything we do here is informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by empathy. We believe that knowledge and power come from people in harmony with the environment in which they live and is created from the moment a child takes their first breath to thrive further through adolescence and adulthood.


We employ the best of public health, education, and heritage tools to help operationalize this concept.  


Sculpture with Face Mask






Paper Texture

How we can help: 

Consulting & Facilitation

  • multi-disciplinary research, review and strategic direction in design public health, educational, and heritage programs

  • focus on social groups with specific needs (immigrants, orphans, inmates, etc.) 

  • guidance in conceptualization of technical documents and grant proposals subsidized by public, private, and international funds 

  • project management and resource mobilization 

  • linkages to inter-constituency, private and public networks, philanthropic agendas

  • end-to-end creative and digital solutions

Technical expertise

  • epidemiology and tropical diseases

  • health economic analysis

  • child, adolescent, and maternal health

  • healthy ageing and wellness promotion

  • mental health

  • traditional medicine

  • early child development

  • educational strategies and techniques 

  • linguistics

  • diplomacy and international relations 

  • graphic design & web development 

Heritage business solutions

  • heritage curation and interpretation services, including interdisciplinary research and implementation, strategic commercialization, anthropological expeditions, cross-sector heritage public-private collaborations 

  • heritage real estate services, including research, renovation, presentation, risk mitigation, brokerage, market transactions 


  • customized technical and private agendas



Andres de Francisco



Natasha  de Francisco 


Our Clients are

  • World Bank

  • World Health Organization

  • Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Executive and Continuing Professional Education

  • ​NGOs

  • Individual ​consultants

  • ​Authors and writers

We partner with... 

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Let’s Work Together

Share with us your ideas, proposals, and comments!

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